Explorer Work is a company founded in 2016, which seeks to increase the competitiveness of human resources in the face of the challenges, opportunities and demands of the labor market, both nationally and internationally. At Explorer Work we seek to comprehensively address the problem of managing company-university relationships, offering a complete comprehensive solution. The purpose is to serve them as allies and advisers in matters of administration of their company-university relationship, especially in matters of university professional internships and related activities.
For this purpose we present our proposal, consisting of the following services:
Explorer Work is a company that specializes in consulting and advising on internship programs, accompanying other companies and providing services such as prospecting for university interns; planning and preparation of internship programs. We have the support of more than 10 years of experience in the successful placement of more than 7 thousand interns in multinational companies.
Explorer Work is focused on the needs of the client, both the company and the student; in such a way that the company is fully satisfied with our services and the student feels trained and empowered throughout the process.
Increase the competitiveness of human resources so that they can take advantage of national and international job opportunities and provide the most successful prospecting of the best personnel for companies.
Provide efficient and effective solutions to all our clients by being the leading company in the administration of company-university-state relations in the region.
Teamwork, Communication, Respect, Dignity and Passion
Our motto is aimed at all our clients, both students and companies, who, through our services, will go through these three steps, which are our philosophy.
IMPROVE: As a student or candidate, it is your duty and responsibility to improve your skills, invest time and effort in raising your skills to the levels that the competitive job market demands. At ExplorerWork we help and guide you to be able to be at the level of the skills that companies are looking for. As a company, only by acquiring the best human capital, who is trained, qualified and motivated, you’ll be able to succeed in the national and international market. With ExplorerWork services, you will hire candidates with the best profiles, aligned with the company's strategy and trained in the basic competencies that your company requires.
EMPOWER: As a student or candidate: training is not everything; You must work on yourself, on developing a winning mentality, on developing your personality, on your social skills, on your emotional intelligence, so that you can successfully face any challenge. ExplorerWork gives you the education and training that will help you transform yourself until you can develop your abilities and skills, according to your personality. As a company, it is important to continue growing, innovating and adapting to customer demands, so having empowered human resources to provide solutions is the key to being able to stand out from all competitors. ExplorerWork brings you candidates with the hallmark of an empowered, results-oriented mindset.
SUCEED:As a student or candidate, you must understand very deeply that success is not the product of luck, or chance but the result of preparation, dedication, and hard work. For this reason, you must set yourself up for success. From creating an efficient and winning resume, to preparing for your dream job interview; to be successful, you must work with great dedication. With ExplorerWork we will advise you on the best practices to be able to achieve that success in the job placement that you long for. For companies, success is survival day after day and having employees who understand and internalize this concept will lead the company to succeed. Through ExplorerWork, your institution will have the staff to help you succeed every day.
ExplorerWork me ayudó con la preparación de mi hoja de vida, me enseñaron a cómo crearla, aún cuando no tenía ninguna experiencia laboral. Me ayudaron a mantener un orden, colocar mis virtudes, utilizar un vocabulario estándar, cuidar la presentación y colocar una fotografía de calidad.
Mi experiencia en la empresa Panamá Pacífico, en relación al aprendizaje, ha sido muy productiva, ya que he logrado aprender cosas nuevas y desarrollando mi experiencia laboral. He trabajado de la mano de diferentes departamentos y siempre me han dado el apoyo, me han enseñado sus procesos, para así poder apoyarles de manera eficiente a la empresa, aplicando las herramientas que me ofreció el curso de Lean Six Sigma, como el enfoque hacia los clientes, mejoramiento de tiempos de respuesta y minimizar actividades de valor no agregado.
ExplorerWork la ayudó a insertarse en su primera práctica y luego la contratarón.
Ingeniera Industrial
ExplorerWork es la plataforma empresarial que brinda la oportunidad a cientos de estudiantes en el proceso de inserción de prácticas profesionales. Durante mis últimos años en la carrera de Ingeniería Industrial en la USMA, ExplorerWork de la mano del Profesor Rubenad Rivera y el Profesor Luis De La Fuente, me acompañaron en la búsqueda e inserción de mi segunda práctica profesional que posteriormente se convirtió en mi primer empleo en VF Sourcing, Panamá Pacifico. Esta experiencia me ayudó a descubrir y perpetuar mi FODA personal que hoy día me ha dado la oportunidad de guiar mi carrera profesional en el inmenso mundo de la logística, rama que actualmente es mi fuerte y me encanta.
ExplorerWork la insertó en su práctica profesional y luego fue contratada.
Somos un grupo de profesionales con más de 10 años de experiencia en la colocación de practicantes en diversos tipos de empresas.
En los más de 10 años, hemos colocado cerca de 6 mil practicantes, de los cuales, cerca del 60 % han recibido propuestas laborales.
2020, Explorer Work | Todos los derechos reservados.
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